CodeIgniter 用户指南 版本 1.7.2

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文件应该使用 Unicode (UTF-8) 编码保存。同时不要使用 字节序标记(BOM) 。与 UTF-16 和 UTF-32 不同,UTF-8 编码的文件不需要指明字节序,而且 字节序标记(BOM) 在PHP中会产生预期之外的输出,阻止了应用程序设置它自己的头信息。应该使用Unix 格式的行结束符(LF)。


  1. Open the Application Preferences
  2. Click Advanced, and then the "Saving" tab
  3. In "File Encoding", select "UTF-8 (recommended)"
  4. In "Line Endings", select "LF (recommended)"
  5. Optional: Check "Use for existing files as well" if you wish to modify the line endings of files you open to your new preference.
  1. Open the Application Preferences
  2. Select "Text Encodings" on the left.
  3. In "Default text encoding for new documents", select "Unicode (UTF-8, no BOM)"
  4. Optional: In "If file's encoding can't be guessed, use", select "Unicode (UTF-8, no BOM)"
  5. Select "Text Files" on the left.
  6. In "Default line breaks", select "Mac OS X and Unix (LF)"

PHP 闭合标签

PHP闭合标签“?>”在PHP中对PHP的分析器是可选的。 但是,如果使用闭合标签,任何由开发者,用户,或者FTP应用程序插入闭合标签后面的空格都有可能会引起多余的输出、php错误、之后的输出无法显示、空白页。因此,所有的php文件应该省略这个php闭合标签,并插入一段注释来标明这是文件的底部并定位这个文件在这个应用的相对路径。这样有利于你确定这个文件已经结束而不是被删节的。

INCORRECT: <?php echo "Here's my code!"; ?> CORRECT: <?php echo "Here's my code!"; /* End of file myfile.php */ /* Location: ./system/modules/mymodule/myfile.php */



不当的: class superclass class SuperClass 适当的: class Super_class


class Super_class { function Super_class() { } }


不当的: function fileproperties() // not descriptive and needs underscore separator function fileProperties() // not descriptive and uses CamelCase function getfileproperties() // Better! But still missing underscore separator function getFileProperties() // uses CamelCase function get_the_file_properties_from_the_file() // wordy 适当的: function get_file_properties() // descriptive, underscore separator, and all lowercase letters



不当的: $j = 'foo'; // single letter variables should only be used in for() loops $Str // contains uppercase letters $bufferedText // uses CamelCasing, and could be shortened without losing semantic meaning $groupid // multiple words, needs underscore separator $name_of_last_city_used // too long 适当的: for ($j = 0; $j < 10; $j++) $str $buffer $group_id $last_city


通常,代码应该被详细地注释。这不仅仅有助于给缺乏经验的程序员描述代码的流程和意图,而且有助于给你提供丰富的内容以让你在几个月后再看自己的代码时仍能很好的理解。 注释没有强制规定的格式,但是我们建议以下的形式。

文档块(DocBlock) 式的注释要写在类和方法的声明前,这样它们就能被集成开发环境(IDE)捕获:

/** * Super Class * * @package Package Name * @subpackage Subpackage * @category Category * @author Author Name * @link */ class Super_class { /** * Encodes string for use in XML * * @access public * @param string * @return string */ function xml_encode($str)


// break up the string by newlines $parts = explode("\n", $str); // A longer comment that needs to give greater detail on what is // occurring and why can use multiple single-line comments. Try to // keep the width reasonable, around 70 characters is the easiest to // read. Don't hesitate to link to permanent external resources // that may provide greater detail: // // $parts = $this->foo($parts);


常量命名除了要全部用大写外,其他的规则都和变量相同。在适当的时候,始终使用CodeIgniter常量,例如LASH, LD, RD, PATH_CACHE等等.

不当的: myConstant // missing underscore separator and not fully uppercase N // no single-letter constants S_C_VER // not descriptive $str = str_replace('{foo}', 'bar', $str); // should use LD and RD constants 恰当的: MY_CONSTANT NEWLINE SUPER_CLASS_VERSION $str = str_replace(LD.'foo'.RD, 'bar', $str);


TRUE, FALSE, 和 NULL 关键字应该总是完全大写的。

不当的: if ($foo == true) $bar = false; function foo($bar = null) 恰当的: if ($foo == TRUE) $bar = FALSE; function foo($bar = NULL)


|| 有时让人底气不足,因为在某些输出设备上它不够清晰(可能看起来像数字11). && 要优先于 AND 不过两者都可以接受, 在 ! 的前后都要加一个空格。

不当的: if ($foo || $bar) if ($foo AND $bar) // 可以,但不被常用的语法高亮程序推荐 if (!$foo) if (! is_array($foo)) 恰当的: if ($foo OR $bar) if ($foo && $bar) // 推荐 if ( ! $foo) if ( ! is_array($foo))


Some PHP functions return FALSE on failure, but may also have a valid return value of "" or 0, which would evaluate to FALSE in loose comparisons. Be explicit by comparing the variable type when using these return values in conditionals to ensure the return value is indeed what you expect, and not a value that has an equivalent loose-type evaluation.

试译:部分PHP函数执行失败时返回 FALSE, 但也可能有一个有效的返回值 "" 或 0, 它在松散比较中会被计算为FALSE. 在条件语句中使用这些返回值的时候,为了确保返回值是你所预期的类型而不是一个有着松散类型的值,请进行显式的比较。

Use the same stringency in returning and checking your own variables. Use === and !== as necessary.

试译:在返回和检查你自己的变量时也要遵循这种严格的方法,必要时使用===!==不当的: // 如果 'foo' 位于此字符串的起始处,strpos将返回 0, // 此处条件判断的结果为TRUE if (strpos($str, 'foo') == FALSE) 恰当的: if (strpos($str, 'foo') === FALSE) 不当的: function build_string($str = "") { if ($str == "") // uh-oh! 如果传递的参数是FALSE或者整数0那会怎么样? { } } 恰当的: function build_string($str = "") { if ($str === "") { } }

See also information regarding typecasting, which can be quite useful. Typecasting has a slightly different effect which may be desirable. When casting a variable as a string, for instance, NULL and boolean FALSE variables become empty strings, 0 (and other numbers) become strings of digits, and boolean TRUE becomes "1":

试译:另见类型映射的信息,也会非常有用。类型映射的结果稍微有些不同,但也是可用的。比如,你把一个变量映射为字符串的时候,NULL以及布尔值FALSE会变成空字符串,0(以及其它数字)变成包含数字的字符串,布尔值TRUE变成 "1":

$str = (string) $str; // 将 $str 映射为字符串


No debugging code can be left in place for submitted add-ons unless it is commented out, i.e. no var_dump(), print_r(), die(), and exit() calls that were used while creating the add-on, unless they are commented out.

试译:在已提交的附加组件所在的地方不能有调试代码,它们被注释掉的情况除外,例如,创建附加组件时不能调用 var_dump(), print_r(), die(), 以及 exit() ,除非它们已经被注释掉了。

// print_r($foo);


No whitespace can precede the opening PHP tag or follow the closing PHP tag. Output is buffered, so whitespace in your files can cause output to begin before CodeIgniter outputs its content, leading to errors and an inability for CodeIgniter to send proper headers. In the examples below, select the text with your mouse to reveal the incorrect whitespace.



<?php // ...在PHP开始标记上面有空格和换行符 // 并且在PHP结束标记后面也有空格 ?>


<?php // 本例中,PHP开始标记之前和结束标记之后就没有空格 ?>


Unless specifically mentioned in your add-on's documentation, all code must be compatible with PHP version 4.3+. Additionally, do not use PHP functions that require non-default libraries to be installed unless your code contains an alternative method when the function is not available, or you implicitly document that your add-on requires said PHP libraries.

试译:除非你的附加组件的文档中有特别说明,否则所有代码必须与PHP 4.3以上版本兼容。此外,不要使用那些依赖于非默认安装的库的函数,除非你的代码中包含了该函数不可用时的替代方法,或者你在文档中明确说明了你的附加组件需要某些库。


When your class or filename is a common word, or might quite likely be identically named in another PHP script, provide a unique prefix to help prevent collision. Always realize that your end users may be running other add-ons or third party PHP scripts. Choose a prefix that is unique to your identity as a developer or company.


不当的: class Email class Xml ext.xml.php class Import mod.import.php 恰当的: class Pre_email pi.pre_email.php class Pre_xml ext.pre_xml.php class Pre_import mod.pre_import.php


Any tables that your add-on might use must use the 'exp_' prefix, followed by a prefix uniquely identifying you as the developer or company, and then a short descriptive table name. You do not need to be concerned about the database prefix being used on the user's installation, as CodeIgniter's database class will automatically convert 'exp_' to what is actually being used.

你的附加组件所用到的任何表都必须使用 'exp_' 这个前缀,然后是一个能够唯一标识开发者或公司的前缀,最后才是一个简短的描述性的表名。你不需要担心用户安装时所使用的数据库前缀,因为CodeIgniter的数据库类将根据实际情况自动地对 'exp_' 进行转换。

不当的: email_addresses // 缺少这两个前缀 pre_email_addresses // 缺少 exp_ 前缀 exp_email_addresses // 缺少唯一前缀 恰当的: exp_pre_email_addresses

NOTE: Be mindful that MySQL has a limit of 64 characters for table names. This should not be an issue as table names that would exceed this would likely have unreasonable names. For instance, the following table name exceeds this limitation by one character. Silly, no? exp_pre_email_addresses_of_registered_users_in_seattle_washington

说明: 请注意MySQL对表名的限制是不能多于64个字符。会超出这个限制的那些表名都是不合理的,因此这应该不是问题。例如,下面的这个些表名比最大限制多出一个字符。这很傻,不是吗? exp_pre_email_addresses_of_registered_users_in_seattle_washington


Use separate files for each class your add-on uses, unless the classes are closely related. An example of CodeIgniter files that contains multiple classes is the Database class file, which contains both the DB class and the DB_Cache class, and the Magpie plugin, which contains both the Magpie and Snoopy classes.



Use tabs for whitespace in your code, not spaces. This may seem like a small thing, but using tabs instead of whitespace allows the developer looking at your code to have indentation at levels that they prefer and customize in whatever application they use. And as a side benefit, it results in (slightly) more compact files, storing one tab character versus, say, four space characters.





使用 Allman 风格缩进。除了类声明以外,括号总是独占一行,且缩进与“属于”它的控制语句同级。

不恰当的: function foo($bar) { // ... } foreach ($arr as $key => $val) { // ... } if ($foo == $bar) { // ... } else { // ... } for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < 10; $j++) { // ... } } 恰当的: function foo($bar) { // ... } foreach ($arr as $key => $val) { // ... } if ($foo == $bar) { // ... } else { // ... } for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < 10; $j++) { // ... } }

Bracket and Parenthetic Spacing

In general, parenthesis and brackets should not use any additional spaces. The exception is that a space should always follow PHP control structures that accept arguments with parenthesis (declare, do-while, elseif, for, foreach, if, switch, while), to help distinguish them from functions and increase readability.

INCORRECT: $arr[ $foo ] = 'foo'; CORRECT: $arr[$foo] = 'foo'; // no spaces around array keys INCORRECT: function foo ( $bar ) { } CORRECT: function foo($bar) // no spaces around parenthesis in function declarations { } INCORRECT: foreach( $query->result() as $row ) CORRECT: foreach ($query->result() as $row) // single space following PHP control structures, but not in interior parenthesis

Localized Text in Control Panel

Any text that is output in the control panel should use language variables in your module's lang file to allow localization.

INCORRECT: return "Invalid Selection"; CORRECT: return $LANG->line('invalid_selection');

Private Methods and Variables

Methods and variables that are only accessed internally by your class, such as utility and helper functions that your public methods use for code abstraction, should be prefixed with an underscore.

convert_text() // public method _convert_text() // private method

PHP Errors

Code must run error free and not rely on warnings and notices to be hidden to meet this requirement. For instance, never access a variable that you did not set yourself (such as $_POST array keys) without first checking to see that it isset().

Make sure that while developing your add-on, error reporting is enabled for ALL users, and that display_errors is enabled in the PHP environment. You can check this setting with:

if (ini_get('display_errors') == 1) { exit "Enabled"; }

On some servers where display_errors is disabled, and you do not have the ability to change this in the php.ini, you can often enable it with:

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

NOTE: Setting the display_errors setting with ini_set() at runtime is not identical to having it enabled in the PHP environment. Namely, it will not have any effect if the script has fatal errors

Short Open Tags

Always use full PHP opening tags, in case a server does not have short_open_tag enabled.

INCORRECT: <? echo $foo; ?> <?=$foo?> CORRECT: <?php echo $foo; ?>

One Statement Per Line

Never combine statements on one line.

INCORRECT: $foo = 'this'; $bar = 'that'; $bat = str_replace($foo, $bar, $bag); CORRECT: $foo = 'this'; $bar = 'that'; $bat = str_replace($foo, $bar, $bag);


Always use single quoted strings unless you need variables parsed, and in cases where you do need variables parsed, use braces to prevent greedy token parsing. You may also use double-quoted strings if the string contains single quotes, so you do not have to use escape characters.

INCORRECT: "My String" // no variable parsing, so no use for double quotes "My string $foo" // needs braces 'SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz = \'bag\'' // ugly CORRECT: 'My String' "My string {$foo}" "SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz = 'bag'"

SQL Queries

MySQL keywords are always capitalized: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, WHERE, AS, JOIN, ON, IN, etc.

Break up long queries into multiple lines for legibility, preferably breaking for each clause.

INCORRECT: // keywords are lowercase and query is too long for // a single line (... indicates continuation of line) $query = $this->db->query("select foo, bar, baz, foofoo, foobar as raboof, foobaz from exp_pre_email_addresses ...where foo != 'oof' and baz != 'zab' order by foobaz limit 5, 100"); CORRECT: $query = $this->db->query("SELECT foo, bar, baz, foofoo, foobar AS raboof, foobaz FROM exp_pre_email_addresses WHERE foo != 'oof' AND baz != 'zab' ORDER BY foobaz LIMIT 5, 100");

Default Function Arguments

Whenever appropriate, provide function argument defaults, which helps prevent PHP errors with mistaken calls and provides common fallback values which can save a few lines of code. Example:

function foo($bar = '', $baz = FALSE)

Overlapping Tag Parameters

Avoid multiple tag parameters that have effect on the same thing. For instance, instead of include= and exclude=, perhaps allow include= to handle the parameter alone, with the addition of "not", e.g. include="not bar". This will prevent problems of parameters overlapping or having to worry about which parameter has priority over another.


翻译贡献者: bnlt, Hex, ianyang, neversaylate, shallow, yinzhili
最后修改: 2009-12-24 16:00:14